Friday, April 30, 2010


Hello Penguins,

Remember A few Weeks ago I promised New Things ,well Contests every month's were part of it!So Here is a very simple contest BUT with BIG prizes :

Here are 2, 12 Month Membership Card's that I'm giving away .To win all you need to do is be the FIRST one To get the code. Please only use 1 (Let other penguins have a chance at the 2nd)

Free Club Penguin Membership

Code 1: 4445333279433999

Code 2: 4009545104232837

Good Luck.

-Agent Tobes


  1. Agent Tobes, the second code works, but the first code is missing two characters.

    Please double-check the first code. It's invalid.

  2. Agent Tobes, I hope you realize that the first code is missing two numbers.

  3. Ok Thanks I will update it Now!


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