Friday, February 11, 2011

New Igloo Upgrades Catalog

Today on Club Penguin, an all new Igloo Upgrades catalog was released! In this catalog, there is one new igloo named the In Half igloo. The cheats for this catalog are located below.

The In Half igloo can be found on the first page of the catalog for 2300 coins.

There are no new cheats for this catalog. So, you can find the current ones below!

Here is how to find the Pumpkin igloo.

1. Go to the ninth page of the Igloo catalog.

2. Click on the roof of the Gym igloo.

You are now able to purchase the Pumpkin igloo for 2700 coins.

Here is how to find the Bamboo Hut igloo.

1. Go to the tenth page of the Igloo catalog

2. Click on “Fish” near the top of the page.

You are now able tp purchase the Bamboo Hut igloo for 3200 coins.

Those are all of the cheats for the new Igloo Upgrades catalog! What did you think of the new In Half igloo? Did you buy it yet? Be sure to leave us your thoughts on the new catalog in a comment below!

-Agent Tobes

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