Club Penguin Rumours

Aunt Arctic Head Of PSA?

Most penguins have never heard of this rumor, but there’s plenty of evidence that it is true.

This is Aunt Arctic. She is the editor of Penguin Times, the Club Penguin newspaper.
This is the Director of Penguin Secret Agency. this penguin has appeared in many missions in Club Penguin and Club Penguin Elite Force. All of the penguins pictures are censored.

This rumor is:

It has not been proved that Aunt Arctic is the Director.You might ask, how can the editor of the Penguin Times be the leader of Secret Agents? Here is the evidence that has been found:
*All notes to secret agents are hidden in the “Ask Aunt Arctic” section of the newspaper.

*If you hover at her glasses, they become black. Just like the agent glasses:

*The first tile of the Nightclub’s Dance Floor used to have writing on this is what it wrote: .- ..- -. –

.- .-. -.-. – .. -.-.
.. …
…. . .- -..
— ..-.
– …. .
.–. … .-

It Means 'Aunt Arctic is the Head of PSA' in Morse code. This has been checked by many penguins in the past.
Tipping Iceburg:
This is most discussed rumor ever on the Club Penguin Island.

There are different variations of “Tipping the Iceberg” rumor. Some say you need to drill for 30 minutes, others say you have to get many people and drill on the one side.

But this rumor is:


You might have seen pictures of people tipping the iceberg, but, have you ever done it? Those pictures are actually edited and NOT real. However, the following May have Proof!!!!!:

  1. On A Card-Jitsu Card:
    2. On A Club Penguin Post Card:

    3. At The April Fools Party:

This shows that the Iceberg might be able to get tipped in the near future.
For now, you can not tip the Iceberg


Ninjas have long been rumored in Club Penguin but until recently no one has ever really seen them.:

Ninja Sightings

Here is a list of all the known Club Penguin Ninja sightings, along with instructions on how to spot them. If you know of any new sightings that aren't shown here, please post in the comments and I will give you full credit.

Ninja Shadow at the Night club (outside)

Go to the town on your map and then click on the big N in the nightclub sign. A ninja shadow will appear and do a quick jump move and then disappear behind the sign again.

Ninja Poster in the Dojo

You can see a secret ninja poster inside the Dojo. Go to the dojo on your map and then click on all five light bulbs in order from left to right. Then click on the sign that says, Wear a Hard Hat. A ninja poster will appear in place of the sign.Click on the five light bulbs in order then click on the sign

A secret ninja poster!

Ninja Shadow Inside the Lighthouse

Sometimes when you enter the lighthouse, a ninja shadow will appear on top of the netting next to the ship's wheel. This doesn't happen every time so you might need to leave and re-enter a few times to see it.

Ninja in the Ski Lodge Mirror

There is part of a penguin shadow in the mirror in the ski lodge. Every fifteen minutes (for example, at 9:00, 9:15, 9:30 and 9:45) you will briefly see the shadow lean over a little bit. It happens really quick so pay very close attention.

Secret Ninja Message in Newspaper

Issue #160 of the Club Penguin Times has one of the best secrets about ninjas: a hidden message. Go to page A2 and click on the N-I-N-J-A
 letters in the headline about the lightning strike. Click on each letter in order! When you do, you will see a secret ninja message appear. It's a haiku that reads:

fire, water, snow
the triangle of power

your journey's first step

Ninjas in the Dojo During the Lightning Storm

This happened during the lightning storm on Club Penguin during the Halloween party in 2008 but stopped when the Dojo was damaged by a lightning strike, so you can't see it anymore. During the really big lightning strikes, you could see a ninja appear in one of the windows in the Dojo.

Ninja Shadows in the Dojo During Construction

The ninja shadows in the Dojo windows re-appeared after the lightning storm but now there's a special secret trick you need to do to see them. You must be playing Club Penguin in Big Screen mode. Go to the Dojo and move your mouse cursor a little to the left in the white area next to the game screen. It will turn into a hand cursor when you find the right spot.
Then click and a ninja shadow will appear in one of the windows. If you click a few times you will see the ninja shadows appear in three different windows.

Ninja Shadow at the Plaza

Every five minutes, you will see a ninja shadow jump onto the top of the Pet Shop in the plaza. It arrives from the top and then lands right behind the big blue puffle sign before jumping away to the left. It moves very quickly so keep an eye out for it.

On the Video Monitors in PSA Headquarters

Every five minutes you can see several ninja shadows appear on the top row of video monitors in the PSA HQ. It happens really quick, but on the top row, five ninja shadows appear in the monitors quickly moving towards the camera.
They then disappear and are replaced by signs that say, WE DON'T EVEN EXIST.

In the November, 2008 Clothing Catalog

Go to the page with the yellow penguin holding a snow shovel and look at his shadow. It is a ninja shadow wearing a ninja headband!

 So Nnjas are officaly:


-Agent Tobes